Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Art Gallery Visit

The artworks that made an impact on me were 1, 2, and 4. These are the first works that caught my eye. 4 looks like it was a piece of fire caught in still form which is awesome. 1 and 2 I liked because of the way they looked, 2 looks like they captured a moving jellyfish which would be so neat, and one is more the composition of a full wall piece with writing and colors.
I feel a connection with ten and thirteen because of the bright lights and colors. I love the way all of the pieces are hanging with lights and you know there are at least 50 different pieces but they all create one interest and artwork. 13 is actually wood with holes cut for clear pieces to poke through, it is then lit from the inside and illuminated in different colors.
I would like to know more about the tin man with fish, 11. It does not fit the other art pieces that were seen, aside from the wood clipboards that look like they move in all different directions; I would like to know why this was made of clay and where the idea came from.
Many of these artworks were actually for sale and this is why I was able to take pictures of them. It is more modern day art and a book of all the artists of the pieces was available for purchase but I was not able to write times they were made or the artist, just simple take pictures. In this request, I was also asked to share this piece with the owner of the museum as well and will be doing so in the next few days.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Logo Design

Rough drawings of logo ideas.

Finished Logo.

1. In creating my logo, I thought it would be easy because I'm usually very creative and can come up with things to do pretty easily. In doing this however, it was hard to come up with a logo for myself that seemed like and actual logo and not a jumble of drawings that represent me.
2. I tried to think of things that represent me that could make up a simple idea by combining them. My first idea was create a slate that artists use and instead of doing colors on the palate, I would use things that represent me. When I finished that it looked nothing like a logo and was very cluttered so I redid the whole thing with simpler items, a star which is my favorite shape, in orange because that is my favorite color, and I made hockey sticks black because black and orange make Buffalo State colors and I wanted to incorporate that as well.
3. the most important discovery I made in my logo creation was that it really is not as easy as it looks and it really is hard to come up with some of the concepts and ideas that you need to simplify to make a logo that can be remembered and used as a symbol.
4.The most important information I learned from the videos, PowerPoint, and reading is that logos are one of the most important aspects of a company or team, whatever the logo is representative of, it is how you are remembered and associated. Logos can be very controversial but can also hold a huge part in your revenue and business transactions.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Week three, color scale

1. I like doing value scales and color wheels because no matter how many times you do them, the results will most of the time be different, you will never get the same color every time, unless of course you are doing the value scale, in which, the case may be that you gradually reduce the color in a different way or you learn to do it better every time.

2. I enjoyed working best with acrylic paint. Acrylic paint happens to be my favorite media of really anything and I really enjoy using it with water to get brighter shades, although I didn't do it this time because it wasn't the assignment, I really like experimenting with it.

3. the most important discovery in the creation of these studies, I think, is how much of each color you need to use to get the desired results. You know you're going to need less blue if you're making a blue-violet or a blue-green. Same goes for yellow if you're making a yellow-orange or red-orange, you need less orange and red.

4. the most important information I learned from watching the video for this project is that blue and red are actually too dark to be primary, which explains why teachers before this year in my advance painting classes have us by magenta. My opinion of the videos is like the other ones, I'm not too thrilled about watching videos on things I've probably seen a lot, but I learn new things so I take with me some knowledge.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Color Theory

For questions 1 and 2 the link said it wouldn’t be available until the 12th.

3.In the color video, the thing that made the biggest impact on me in regards to color and emotion is the fact that nobody used reflective light in paintings and when it was used it reflected everywhere just like in real life, so these paintings were more realistic. I also found it interesting that they had a contract and could only use certain amounts of color on the art.

4. In the feelings video, the thing that made the biggest impact on me in regards to color and its effects on emotions is the fact that human feeling wasn’t important but God's purpose was and that God's and angels were more important than the viewer liking the art work.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Video Review

1. From the first video, the key concepts that stood out the most to me were from Plato who said, "There is a beauty by which all things are beautiful." The concept that ideas are beyond the senses but one idea presents itself through reason, beauty. Plato also quoted, "What is beautiful in itself is not this object or that one, but that which conveys their own nature." The common theme I really liked was how beauty is portrayed differently to each person. Francis Hutcheson states that, "the ideas brought about in our soul by beauty and harmony delight us necessarily and immediately, just like the other sensible ideas. “Immanuel Kant had voiced that aesthetic experience makes possible the reconciliation of nature's determination with human moral freedom and that as long as nature and freedom are separated, the individual is torn apart. Kant said there is almost nothing you can't treat beautifully and sensibility and reason are brought together by means of the imagination. Lastly on his standpoint, is that judgment of the beautiful is not rule bound rather, it is based on a feeling and there is no description of what is beautiful. "What causes satisfaction in the judgment of the beautiful is pure form experienced in selfless contemplation." Points from the second video were that Changeux put an actual definition of art work and distinctly labels how it is explained or viewed. Changeux feels the human brain is a synthesis of multiple nested evolutionary processes. We process visual arts by processing bottom up and involving emotion and feelings. There are certain things in the brain that allow certain reactions to happen and feelings such as empathy for suffering or joy, etc. Ramachandran is more the science of art and feels the goal of art is to deliberately exaggerate or alter the image to produce pleasing effects of the human brain.

2. From the first video, the philosopher's theory that I felt is most important was Friedrich von Schiller (18th century). I first favored Immanuel Kant's theory that there is almost nothing you can't treat beautifully and judgment of the beautiful is not rule-bound rather, it is based on a feeling. As the video went on, Friedrich von Schiller, elaborated on Kant's theory and followed with the fact of educated people on what "beauty" is would develop more capacity for beauty. "When we develop our aesthetic capacities, we develop our moral capacities, so much that aesthetic education renders moral education superfluous."

3. I like the way that both Cahngeux and Ramachandran approach the thought of aesthetics and link them to the human brain. I like that because we view with our sense of sight and have a certain perception of art, we must be able to use our other senses which inevitably come from our brain. From Changeux's lecture I found the most interesting part the way he described the human brain and how senses are triggered from the art to have empathy for suffering and other feelings. From Ramachandran's lecture I found it most interesting that he thought the goal of art was deliberately exaggerating and image and try to make pleasing affects for the human brain. I found this most interesting because in all of these lectures and videos, we see art differently as we are all different people. In the first video, we all see beautiful as different but everything is beautiful but then by the end of the second video, everything is linked to senses in our brains and if this is true, why do we see things as less or more beautiful?

4. I feel the videos seem to cover more of a variety of opinions and information than the text. The text is part of a wide variety of topics so it can only go into so much detail before it needs to cover something else. In the videos you get information, charts, and quotes from numerous different people.

5. I happened to like the films although I was not so excited to watch them. It was hard to understand some of the people that talked but I tried to stop the video and go back and write things down so it took longer than I had assumed it would. As far as my understanding on the topics, I feel that the videos really did help and I really enjoyed the charts and visuals on the second one.

Friday, June 3, 2011

First blog!! :)

1. The process of setting everything up was pretty easy, if I had any questions, the power points helped. This is my first time setting up a blog and I was worried it would be a bit more difficult.

2. In this course I expect to broaden my understanding of art and the history of it.

3. I like taking online courses more so in the summer because of work schedules. I have taken online courses before so I don't think it should be too much of an issue. I will be taking more than one course and both are requiring a lot of new things I'm not used to so it may take a bit of extra time.